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Below you'll find some of the most simple and lucrative ways of making money

while doing the absolute bare minimum amount of work. 

Typically they will set up an interview with you without having to do a phone call. They take your answers based on the input in the questionnaire and then set you up with a time and date for an interview. I’ve had ones as high as $400 for a one-hour session. They range from IT professionals to gamers as far as studies go – the sky is the limit for this one.

Fill out your profile and they match you to surveys that are in your wheelhouse - $650 bucks for about 4 hours of your time – not a bad little payout if you ask me – use my referral link and we both get cash.

These are email surveys – they are pretty good, but I usually fall into a category that they have already met their quota for – you have to be quick with these if you are going to get into a study, but well worth it – I did one for pool maintenance for a 3-day bulletin board and they paid $175 for that.

Accelerant Research is a full-service marketing research and consulting firm which specializes in customer loyalty, product development, customer satisfaction measurement, modeling, tracking, qualitative research, and brand analytics.

They have a shit ton of surveys daily and the good thing about this one is, no phone calls. If you qualify, they send you an email and ask you what days you will be available to do a zoom meeting. Pretty friggin simple.

Now, the better ones – Hivemind wants to give you money just to help them recruit people for studies – Check this out – my email is and I use them both to double my output.

My top 2 go to – in order of preference and money making. This one has a shit ton of opportunities.

This is the best one – I get two or three calls from them a week to do surveys and they pay very well as you can see.

"Robert Irby sent you $150.00 USD" - This was yesterday’s payout for a 5-day mobile app test that literally took me five minutes a day to post a video. No bullshit with this one – Bob is a good guy and will pay you the day after the study ends. Sign up – he is always looking for referrals. 

Another one that scours the interwebs for different topics

Cheap ones. right about 2 bucks a survey, but it adds up quick.

Cheap ones. right about 2 bucks a survey, but it adds up quick.

This one is okay – do surveys, some of them lead to external research opportunities, some are just for Product Report Card, even if you don’t qualify, they give you a dime for your time – and an entry to win a new Ford F-150 truck. I’ve amassed a small fortune doing these during the day while I read my email and sit in my home office during the winter – like I said, some of these do lead to external surveyors and can get you upwards of $400 for your time – you just never know

Let me share a little more about how to make free money – if you are paying attention, you’ll do this, because it’s literally free money – if you shop online, like I do all the time, because who the hell wants to go out in the world anymore – install the Honey extension on your browser – they give you a percentage of your money back whenever you shop online at different stores – no bullshit – I use it all the time – I’ve accumulated over 9000 points since my last payout a few months ago – you get 8% if you shop Reebok – 2% back if you shop at Kroger, money back from CVS, also Home Depot and Lowes – share the link with everyone you know – it’s free money.

Here's another little hidden gem that people don’t know about – Acorns – round up from your checking account and save some cash – plus get money back when you buy shit online – I have over a grand in this account and I don’t do shit with it but let it round up from my bank account to the nearest dollar whenever I make a purchase anywhere – for anything – it’s like a savings account on autopilot and you don’t have to do shit. They also have an extension for your browser that you get a rebate from over 12,000 online retailers – another no bullshit one – you don’t really have to do anything except link your account to it and shop with the browser extension.

This one is a an aggregate and scours the interwebs for paid focus groups – they have a shit ton that pay handsomely.



Some local studies are only looking for 12-24 participants in total. Nationwide studies will be larger but will get applications from all across the country. Focus Groups can fill up fast, so if you see a study you are interested in, apply as soon as you can!



When you apply for a focus group study you will most likely fill out a pre-qualifying survey. Think of it like a job application. Don’t give one word answers. Researchers are looking for participants who can elaborate on their answers with details. If you can put together thoughtful answers on a survey, researchers will be confident you can do the same during the actual focus group session.



If you hate Pepsi, don’t claim to love it just so you can participate. Researchers and algorithms are very skilled at snuffing out bogus answers, and you will get disqualified.



If you appear to qualify to participate in a focus group study, a recruiter will contact you with a phone call. During the call they will follow up with you about some of your answers. If all goes well they will invite you to join the focus group study.

  • If you don’t answer they will move on to the next person.

  • If a recruiter leaves you a voicemail try to return the call ASAP!



The most important thing I can tell you if you want them to start calling you, always show up for your scheduled interview.

Don’t blow them off. It is the quickest way to get blacklisted and never get a call back.

If you have an emergency and can’t make the scheduled interview time,

at least give them 24 hours notice that you will not be available.


Sign up for everything, even if you don’t know jack shit about it.

I’ve learned more about BI on the internet and I’ve never touched the shit.

These people are not technical. They don’t have a clue.

They work for a company and are just asking canned questions of the candidates.

Half the time they just want your honest opinion of a product they are trying to take to market.

If you look at enough shit the day before your scheduled interview, you’ll be an expert on the subject,

and that is all they are really looking for.


If the survey is for technology, always say you work in IT.

If they ask anything else in any other questionnaire, and they give you a shit ton of options, always pick none of the above.

They don’t want to talk to people that work in marketing.

They want generic schlubs, like us to give their honest opinion on shit we know nothing about.

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